Westerfield Church

Created by Mary 3 years ago

Where do you start when you remember Molly. Molly was a very regular member of the church family, she would turn up nearly every week sit in the same place and enjoyed the service, always with a smile on her face. After the service when we would retire to the church room for coffee and biscuits , she would chat away with what she had been up to during the week , and my did she pack a lot into her week,she would fascinate me with her stories. Like  lots us that came to church ,she was also involved in other clubs that ran in the village . Once she gave a talk at WI about her life in the army, for a good 40 minutes to 1 hour she stood there at the age of 95, with no notes and gave a talk on all the ups and downs of army life, we were all fascinated. 

As a church warden and a member of Mothers Union I asked just this year, if she would if she felt up to it ,come and tell her story of her life and when she joined up. She said my dear “I will as long as I can sit down. Oh Molly we are going to miss your smile and your love of life.


Mary Scholey.