What a lady!

Created by Nikki 3 years ago

It was 1973 (just before I was 4) that my Mum, Irene, answered an ad asking for 'domestic help'. A hefty weight of responsibility was placed on my shoulders as I had to tag along with Mum until such time as I started school. So Mum started on a trial basis on the understanding that, if I was well behaved enough, she could have the job. So started a 35 year working relationship between my Mum and 'Mrs C'!!

I actually remember those early days at the house in Henley Road. I would sit at the kitchen table with various things to keep me occupied. Molly recalled that they wondered why the top of my head wasn't flat as every time Molly or Tim passed me, they would pat me on the top of it! I was also allowed to play in the garden and one day, was stung by a bee. Molly scooped me up and sat me on the worktop, drying my tears and taking care of my wound. Apparently Tim commented that, if that was the level of attention to be gained, perhaps he should go and antagonize a bee!! I also recall that, if I did get a bit bored, Molly would tell Tim to take me for a little drive in the Jaguar... I was the most pampered 4 year old in Ipswich!

And so I started school and, for a number of years, my relationship with Molly was more distant but we remained in touch with cards on Birthdays and at Christmas and whenever they, and then she, was on holiday she would look for a pretty postcard to send to me, mostly from Spain and one from Malta (these I still have - amazing really as they are now 40 - 45 years old, as are the 2 photographs of me with Tim in the garden (photo attached). Unfortunately, I don't have any of me with Molly). Christmas also brought myself and my siblings a huge box of sweets, handmade by Molly, such as vanilla or chocolate fudge, coconut ice, truffles and dates stuffed with pretty coloured marzipan. Delicious!

When my father became ill and moved to a nursing home in 2008, Mum felt she had to 'hang up her duster' so to speak and concentrate on him so I asked Molly if she would like me to help her out on a Tuesday morning and, thankfully, she said yes. I say thankfully as, far from being like work, it has been the most incredible fun. I never knew what I would be doing... it could be anything from driving her around to do her errands to wrapping Christmas presents to searching on line for her favourite 'trademark' red lipstick but, whatever it was, it was always enjoyable spending time with her. As with everyone, she usually had a tale to tell and I loved to listen and without fail, we had a good chuckle. The morning always passed quickly until at 12.15 or so she would say, 'find a good stopping point, it's time for sherry'! She was always generous with her time, understanding and helpful with advice, especially when Mum passed away unexpectedly last September.

Molly is, without doubt, one of the most wonderful people I have ever met. A lady in the truest sense of the word with a fantastic smile and that cheeky little glint in her eye. I feel absolutely blessed that our paths crossed and miss her terribly though I'm heartened by the fact that I have met some other wonderful people through her and enjoy remembering her with them.

Rest well dearest Molly. I hope, wherever you are now, you are 'holding court' as always.



(Nikki Taylor)

