Good Golly Miss Molly!!

Created by Stephen 3 years ago

My name is Stephen and I am Molly's nephew.

When I think of my dear Aunt Molly,it brings to mind a popular rock and roll song, called " Good Golly Miss Molly".How many times did we just say wow,that Molly's something special.

She was so interesting,so wise,and oh so positive, no wonder she had so many friends!

Molly your connection to us spanned four generations and luckily a couple of years ago we had all four generations together for your 95th birthday party, and what a party it was!

Some how you even managed to get your 4 year old great, great niece into the party at your club,how you did that we don't know!!

Sometimes I feel you were sent to us ,to show how we should live our lives ,you set such a wonderful example.

You were full of kindness, compassion,wisdom, optimism and a zest for life.

Mum used to say when you were really partiyng and having a good time,"you can pick your friends but not your relatives,"well we could not have been luckier on that account.

You will be missed but never forgotten,what a life you had,"Good Golly Miss Molly",we love you!