Letters by Royal Mail

Created by Lindsey 4 years ago

Aunt Molly was such a special person. My words can’t quite capture what a kind, charismatic, witty, and energetic person she was because she was so much more than that.

Throughout the years, Aunt Molly and I would send letters to each other. I would often include pictures of our growing family and she would tell me about her trips, her friends and health. Her last trip I remember her taking was a cruise through the Baltics in 2011 (89 years of age). I’ve always kept all her letters which were written on Royal Mail paper.

We had attempted many times to have her cross over the pond again to visit in Canada but it had become too challenging for her. When we got her invitation for her 95th birthday, there was no other response than “yes” we would absolutely make it. Unfortunately, my husband wasn’t able to join so I brought my 4 year old daughter, Kaitlyn. 

Molly had booked her party at the beautiful Suffolk Club, which had its own set of long-held rules, including no children. Only 12 years prior to her party were women even allowed in the club. Molly was so upset that Kaitlyn wouldn’t be able to attend, however, someway and somehow she managed to convince them to allow her in as an exception for the day. The memories she made that day for myself and my daughter will forever be etched in my memory. Watching Molly chat to her, and Kaitlyn just adore her back, was like watching a reflection of myself growing up with Aunt Molly. The look on Aunt Molly’s face when she asked Kaitlyn what she wanted to be when she grew up, and Kaitlyn replying by saying “I want to be a hog hunter”, I’m sure is one she had never heard in her 98 years. 

She was the life of the party and I know up in heaven, happy hour is a bit more lively with her in it. She will be greatly missed!

Love you Always,

